>md5sum -c md5sum
About how to create a md file is shown below:
>md5sum file > file.md5 (single file)
>find directory -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum >> file.md5 (all file in a directory)
Not starting NFS kernel daemon: no support in current kernel. (warning)
It seems that the current kernel doesn't support nfs kernel daemon. After googling for sometime, I found that rebuild the kernel is the solution for the problem (http://computingplugs.com/index.php/NFS_server). It is funny that my self-built kernel 2.6.34 has no the option
The full VirtualBox package is available in binary (executable) form free of charge from the Downloads page. This version is free for personal use and evaluation under the terms of the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License.
The VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE) is the one that has been released under the GPL and comes with complete source code. It is functionally equivalent to the full VirtualBox package, except for a few features that primarily target enterprise customers. This gives us a chance to generate revenue to fund further development of VirtualBox.
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt-get install libxrender-dev
# aptitude install virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-modules-$(uname -r)
# invoke-rc.d udev reload
# modprobe vboxdrv
# adduser yourusername vboxusers
To load the vboxdrv module at system startup, edit /etc/default/virtualbox-ose and set LOAD_VBOXDRV_MODULE to 1.
The old and tried gzip compression. Its compression ratio is
the poorest among the 3 choices; however its speed (both
compression and decompression) is the fastest.
Its compression ratio and speed is intermediate.
Decompression speed is slowest among the three. The kernel
size is about 10% smaller with bzip2, in comparison to gzip.
Bzip2 uses a large amount of memory. For modern kernels you
will need at least 8MB RAM or more for booting.
The most recent compression algorithm.
Its ratio is best, decompression speed is between the other
two. Compression is slowest. The kernel size is about 33%
smaller with LZMA in comparison to gzip.
import Qt 4.7 import Qt 4.7 Rectangle { /* The property button.operation, exposed ouside, is connect to the property of inner item label.text. See 'Property aliases' (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-extending-types.html#property-aliases) */ property alias operation: label.text /* Toggle behavior of button, default is not toggable. The property of button 'Advanced Mode' is set true. */ property bool toggable: false /* Porperty to tracking the toggle state of button. */ property bool toggled: false /* We want the button has a signal called clicked. */ signal clicked id: button; width: 50; height: 30 /* border.color is a item among grouped property border. See 'Grouped property'(http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativeintroduction.html#grouped-properties) palette gives access to the system Qt color. e.g dark, light mid and so forth. See 'QML SystemPalette Element Reference'(http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-systempalette.html#mid-prop) */ border.color: palette.mid /* This property holds the corner radius used to draw a rounded rectangle. See 'Rectangle.radius' (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-rectangle.html#radius-prop) */ radius: 6 /* 1) The gradient to use to fill the rectangle. Here gradientStop1 is the start color from upper boundary, while gradientStop2 is the end color at the bottom. See 'Gradient' (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-rectangle.html#gradient-prop) 2) Qt.lighter is a global function return a color lighter than given color. See 'Global Function' (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativeglobalobject.html) */ gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { id: gradientStop1; position: 0.0; color: Qt.lighter(palette.button) } GradientStop { id: gradientStop2; position: 1.0; color: palette.button } } /* Button text is located at enter of button and use system default buttonText*/ Text { id: label; anchors.centerIn: parent; color: palette.buttonText } /* The MouseArea item enables simple mouse handling.*/ MouseArea { id: clickRegion /* Area covers entire button.*/ anchors.fill: parent /* Signal Handlers for click on MouseArea. */ onClicked: { /*???*/ doOp(operation); /* A 'clicked' signal of parent is emitted.*/ button.clicked(); /* For toggle behavior of button.*/ if (!button.toggable) return; button.toggled ? button.toggled = false : button.toggled = true } } /* Beside of default state, the button has the other action states: Pressed and Toggled. Notice they have own condition to enter the state. In these two actions states, the starting gredient changes to palette.dark to distinguish from default appearance. */ states: [ State { name: "Pressed"; when: clickRegion.pressed == true PropertyChanges { target: gradientStop1; color: palette.dark } PropertyChanges { target: gradientStop2; color: palette.button } }, State { name: "Toggled"; when: button.toggled == true PropertyChanges { target: gradientStop1; color: palette.dark } PropertyChanges { target: gradientStop2; color: palette.button } } ] }
import Qt 4.7 import Qt 4.7 Rectangle { /* The property button.operation, exposed ouside, is connect to the property of inner item label.text. See 'Property aliases' (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-extending-types.html#property-aliases) */ property alias operation: label.text /* Toggle behavior of button, default is not toggable. The property of button 'Advanced Mode' is set true. */ property bool toggable: false /* Porperty to tracking the toggle state of button. */ property bool toggled: false /* We want the button has a signal called clicked. */ signal clicked id: button; width: 50; height: 30 /* border.color is a item among grouped property border. See 'Grouped property'(http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativeintroduction.html#grouped-properties) palette gives access to the system Qt color. e.g dark, light mid and so forth. See 'QML SystemPalette Element Reference'(http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-systempalette.html#mid-prop) */ border.color: palette.mid /* This property holds the corner radius used to draw a rounded rectangle. See 'Rectangle.radius' (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-rectangle.html#radius-prop) */ radius: 6 /* 1) The gradient to use to fill the rectangle. Here gradientStop1 is the start color from upper boundary, while gradientStop2 is the end color at the bottom. See 'Gradient' (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-rectangle.html#gradient-prop) 2) Qt.lighter is a global function return a color lighter than given color. See 'Global Function' (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativeglobalobject.html) */ gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { id: gradientStop1; position: 0.0; color: Qt.lighter(palette.button) } GradientStop { id: gradientStop2; position: 1.0; color: palette.button } } /* Button text is located at enter of button and use system default buttonText*/ Text { id: label; anchors.centerIn: parent; color: palette.buttonText } /* The MouseArea item enables simple mouse handling.*/ MouseArea { id: clickRegion /* Area covers entire button.*/ anchors.fill: parent /* Signal Handlers for click on MouseArea. */ onClicked: { /*???*/ doOp(operation); /* A 'clicked' signal of parent is emitted.*/ button.clicked(); /* For toggle behavior of button.*/ if (!button.toggable) return; button.toggled ? button.toggled = false : button.toggled = true } } /* Beside of default state, the button has the other action states: Pressed and Toggled. Notice they have own condition to enter the state. In these two actions states, the starting gredient changes to palette.dark to distinguish from default appearance. */ states: [ State { name: "Pressed"; when: clickRegion.pressed == true PropertyChanges { target: gradientStop1; color: palette.dark } PropertyChanges { target: gradientStop2; color: palette.button } }, State { name: "Toggled"; when: button.toggled == true PropertyChanges { target: gradientStop1; color: palette.dark } PropertyChanges { target: gradientStop2; color: palette.button } } ] }
"QWidgets are a better choice if your UI is comprised of a small number of complex and static elements, and QML is a better choice if your UI is comprised of a large number of simple and dynamic elements."Reference:
Identifier "Configured Video Device"EndSection
# Add this line to force the driver
Driver "intel"
Config -> Serial ATA (SATA) > Set AHCI to Compatibility
QML is a declarative language designed to describe the user interface of a program: both what it looks like, and how it behaves. QML is an extension to JavaScript, that provides a mechanism to declaratively build an object tree of QML elements.
QML improves the integration between JavaScript and Qt's existing QObject based type system, adds support for automatic property bindings and provides network transparency at the language level.
"I think you're referring to the 'Board Support Package'. This usually refers to the OS, and the board-specific drivers in the OS. The BSP is the first thing that must be built in order for an embedded system to work."
"PsExec is a light-weight telnet-replacement that lets you execute processes on other systems, complete with full interactivity for console applications, without having to manually install client software. PsExec's most powerful uses include launching interactive command-prompts on remote systems and remote-enabling tools like IpConfig that otherwise do not have the ability to show information about remote systems. "Reference
>tar xzfv linux-2.6.33.tar.gz
>bunzip2 patch-
>cd linux-2.6.33
>patch -p1<../patch-
>ls -al /usr/bin/gccHere is quick solution, but there may exists better solution.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 63 2009-10-27 20:35 /usr/bin/gcc -> /usr/bin/gcc-4.1
>rm /usr/bin/gccThe reconfigure and build everything
>ln -s /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc
>make confclean
>./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -depths 16 -qt-mouse-tslib
>make install